World Newspapers, Magazines and News Sites in English

Senegal Newspapers and News Sites

If you are looking for up-to-the-minute news about Senegal, check the homepage of one of these English news sites. The sites provide coverage on politics, business, sports, entertainment, technology, and more.

afrol News - Senegal

Senegal news, features and links from independent African news agency. Senegal

News reports from African media.

BBC News - Senegal

Presents country overview, key facts and events, timelines and leader profiles along with current news.

ReliefWeb - Senegal

Provides news and information (documents and maps) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters.

The New Humanitarian - Senegal

Regular news on relief, social, economic and political affairs in Angola by UN Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN).

US State Department - Senegal Consular Information Sheet

Background and travel information including entry and exit requirements, safety and security, crime, health and transport.

Wikipedia - Senegal

Covers Senegal history, government and politics, geography, economy, demographics, language and culture.