World Newspapers, Magazines and News Sites in English

Western Sahara Newspapers and News Sites
Western Sahara

Afrol - Western Sahara

News and analyses about Western Sahara from pan-African independent news agency.


Online news and analysis platform. Western Sahara

News reports from African sources.

Swiss organisation providing news on Western Sahara's self-determination process.


News blog.

Map News

Provides news and analysis on political, social and economic affairs.

Por Un Sahara Libre

Provides political, social and economic news.

Sahara Online

Provides information about the Western Sahara region.

Sand Blast

Organisation dedicated to promoting the cause of the Saharawi people's right to self-determination through celebration of their culture. Site showcases photography, painting, music, dance, poetry, more.

The New Humanitarian - Western Sahara

Regular news on relief, social, economic and political affairs in Western Sahara by The New Humanitarian.

Western Sahara Resource Watch

An international network of organisations and activists researching and campaigning the companies working for Moroccan interests in occupied Western Sahara.