World Newspapers, Magazines and News Sites in English

Latvian Newspapers and News Sites
Latvian newspapers

If you're looking for a one-stop list of Latvian news websites that offer original journalism, rather than just recycling other people's stories, here it is. Each site is handpicked and that means we've had to rule out some less excellent websites.

Baltic News Network

Online news portals provide information on both Latvian and global economic, social and politic events.

Baltic Review

Independent monthly newspaper bring the top news stories from around the Baltics and the world. Based in Vilnius.

Baltic Times - Latvia
Baltic Times - Latvia

Independent monthly newspaper that covers latest political, economic, business, and cultural events in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Latvian travel news by Baltic tourism news website.

Latvia Travel

Official travel guide for travelling in Latvia.

A website dedicated to providing information about the Latvian culture, society, it's history and much more.

Latvian information agency

Latvian information agency.


Latvian news portal of Latvia's public television and radio services, with a mission to deliver informative, accurate and engaging content.