World Newspapers, Magazines and News Sites in English

Jordan Newspapers and News Sites

This is a list of some of the best print and online news sources concerning Jordan. Each link is clickable, so you can explore further directly from here. Additionally, a variety of views are accounted for here, allowing you to see developments in Jordan from several sides.

Amman Daily News

Business news from CNP Hub Corporation (based in UAE).

Amman Net

Jordanian media/news company in Amman.


Alternative media form giving a voice to the "silent majority" and allowing readers to obtain the daily Jordanian and Arab news.

BBC News: Jordan

Features country overview, key facts and events, timelines, leader profiles and news.

Embassy of Jordan - Washington, D.C.

Provides general country information and daily news from Jordanian sources.

Jordan Times

Self-censoring leading English-language Jordanian daily newspaper.

MEMRI: Jordan

Site of the Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute providing analysis and translations of Arabic media reports.


Official news agency.

Visit Jordan

Complete travel guide from Jordan Tourism Board.