World Newspapers, Magazines and News Sites in English

Australia Newspapers and News Sites

Like to stay up-to-date on news across Australia? Then the below list is for you. We have split the Australian news site section into local publications classified by region, and national titles covering all major news stories that concern the country as a whole. Simply browse the list of media sites to find which one interests you most, or search for your local paper's website to keep up with local news.

Age, The

Melbourne based newspaper affiliated with Sydney Morning Herald.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

Site of government owned TV and radio station.

Australian Herald

Online source for national news from around the country; the portal also features stories from the largest city, Sydney, international news and breaking business stories.

Business Chief

Online edition of the monthly business magazine.

Business Insider

Australian edition of the international business news website. Features technology, money and markets news, along with analytical as well as lifestyle articles.

Business News Australia

Reports on national business news with a special focus on local business news.

Business Review Weekly

Popular business publication with daily summaries of stock and finance markets.

Canberra Times

Daily newspaper from the capital city.


Major Australian independent online news service.

Daily Mail Australia

Australian online edition of the UK's highly popular tabloid newspaper.

Financial Review

Authoritative business, finance and investment news magazine.

Green Left Weekly

Radical newspaper committed to human and civil rights, global peace and environmental sustainability.

Independent Australia

Progressive journal focusing on politics, democracy, the environment, Australian history and Australian identity.

Inside Story

Online portal that provides essays, journalism, commentary and reviews on a daily basis.

International Business Times

Site aims to cover financial news in Australia and most of the world's countries.

Koori Mail

Independent fortnightly newspaper serving the aboriginal community.

Money Morning

Online portal that provides economic, financial and investment news and information.

National Indigenous Times

Provides Aboriginal news.

Left of centre Australian website of news, analysis and satire.

Rupert Murdoch's news portal presenting many local and national Australian newspapers, including:


Australia's leading online media company.

On Line Opinion

Journal providing a forum for public social and political debate about current Australian issues.

Red Flag

Newspaper of revolutionary socialist organisation Socialist Alternative. Published fortnightly.

Saturday Paper

Weekly newspaper.

Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)

News website with more of a global than local outlook on news. Aims to reflect the multicultural nature of Australian society.

Spectator Australia

Australian edition of british weekly magazine on politics, culture, and current affairs

Sydney Morning Herald

Top quality national daily.

The Australian Jewish News

Online edition of the official newspaper for the Jewish community of Australia, in print since 1895.

The Chaser

Website for the satirical independent newspaper.

The Conversation

Independent source of news and opinions, sourced from the academic and research community.

The Guardian Australia

Australian online edition of the UK's highly popular newspaper.

The Monthly

Magazine that provides a mix of investigative reportage, critical essays and thoughtful reviews in the areas of national politics, society and culture.

The New Daily

Website that covers national, entertainment, lifestyle, money and sports news.

The Weekly Times

Australia's most influential and largest circulating rural newspaper.

West Australian

Western Australia's leading daily newspaper, based in Perth.